EPISODE 81 | This episode is a recording of a live zoom Q&A with our listeners. Thank you to everyone who attended and submitted questions!
Show notes
Prof. Dani Candelora – Her research focuses on interactions between Egypt and West Asia.
Amarna Letter 23 – A Goddess Travels to Egypt
1 3 - 1 7 Thus Sauska of Nineveh (goddess statue), mistress of all lands: "I wish to go
to Egypt, a country that I love, and then return." Now I herewith send
her, and she is on her way." (Moran 1992)
Hathor and the Myth of the Heavenly Cow
Spalinger Anthony, “The Destruction of Mankind: A Transitional Literary Text,” Studien Zur Altagyptischen Kultur 28: 2000, 257–282. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25152827
Amenhotep III’s Mortuary Temple & Sekhmet Statues
Recently excavated Sekhmet statues found during excavation (source) Judith Flanders – “Rites of Passage: Death & Mourning in Victorian Britain”
Great Sphinx of Tanis, Louvre
Vatican Phases of Construction
Egyptian object outside of Egypt – Egypt’s Dispersed Heritage Project
Eloquent Peasant – status dynamics, misuse of Maat
Lichtheim, M. (1992) Maat in Egyptian autobiographies and related studies / Miriam Lichtheim. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag.
Teeter, Emily. (1997) The presentation of Maat : ritual and legitimacy in ancient Egypt / by Emily Teeter. Chicago, Ill: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Kemp, B. J. (1995) How Religious were the Ancient Egyptians? Cambridge archaeological journal. [Online] 5 (1), 25–54.
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